Going Up

The recommended serving size expands with the economy
And quality of life you think increases with autonomy

Is there a limit to indulgent growth that is advised?
What if there is more to life than what is quantified?

The things that we expect of others work in retrospect
Regardless of historic place and details or context

Disaster then reaction as we watch the tide advance
As cyclic feedbacks, cyclic patterns feed an endless trance

When cheaper things become a race to produce waste
More progress and more junk, but can these separate?

A profit in the short term pads the coffer 
But only in the long run will we prosper

To further tear apart and not amend
Our vengeance poisons hope instead of tends

The upper limit does not have a line
It's our task to carefully define

If interests make the rules so loose 
Who then defends the golden goose

Do economies of scale
Furnish something not for sale?

More people to arraign
The economic pain

Prosperity breeds not
The satisfaction sought

We commit gaffes
Adjust and laugh

Nuance matters
Earth is flatter

Gaze on our plans
Torn in tatters

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3 Responses
  1. Greg Ehlert

    Poetry that packs a punch. My rhythmic sensibilities wanted to put a 4/4 beat and make this into a rap. The word “responsible” comes from the Latin re+spondere … re = repeat and spondere is the root for “spouse” which means “promised/betroathed.” Responsibility is an inherently relational concept built on initiative and covenantal offerings. We have a covenantal responsibility to steward the earth and its essence/resources.

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