
This philosophy guides us in gratitude, to recognize Earth’s provision and to make impacts and consume resources responsibly.
Enhanced geothermal both generates additional electricity supply, and it functionally serves as short-term energy storage.
Though national parks may be a small contributor to the large-scale genocide of people and cultures, they played a role and, by continuing the myth of being undisturbed by humans apart from the modern tourist, continue to do so.
historically, we confided in a trusted circle of confidants. Now, we all have access to a potential mass audience of millions willing to trade their attention for witnessing our acts of vulnerability.
A view from the end in the Grand Canyon
Sticky Post
Welcome to my new blog, called View from the End. This site plays two roles. It is: A journal of my experiences on the Appalachian Trail February 19 – July 23, 2023 A collection of book reviews, poems, and articles on topics I have been thinking about (some reflective, others informational, most regarding nature and...

My New Stories

A view from the end in the Grand Canyon