About Nate

I built this website to chronicle my successful thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail Feb-July 2023. The hike lived up to its billing as the trip of a lifetime. Now that I have a desk job up in Montana, my time on the trail reminds me to get outside and get active every day.

On the trail, I found that it was difficult to write polished pieces, so all but a few of my posts consisted of a few paragraphs reflecting on the day. However, as I walked, I recorded over 100 rough drafts of articles, poems, and book reviews, some of which I am excited to polish and publish in 2024. 

Even though my time on the trail concluded, I still intend to build this website as a repository of articles, photos, poems, and book reviews that reflect my present thinking and personality as I navigate this contradictory, kaleidoscope world. This is a creative outlet, and perhaps, an opportunity for conversation. Feel free to post a comment or drop me a line with the (newly functional) contact page.